Friday, July 15, 2011

Pet rats?? Advice, please. :)?

Leftover nuts in the yard? Then there are definitely more mice than the one you see. Anyway...I have had mice for pets as well. Big advantages: small rodent, small cage, can easily be hidden in a closed room if people are freaked out by rodents (especially if you are trying to date). Rats really need to be uncaged and handled more than mice. When they "nip" they obviously can inflict more damage than a mouse. Their cages also need to be cleaned often ---much like ferrets. Basically, the bigger the rodent, the more care, cleaning and responsibility. For their happiness, you will need a pair (same sex--girls are better). In general, rats can be a "more rewarding" pet since they are apt to interact more with you than mice. Here a few organizations that can give you more info:

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