Sunday, July 17, 2011

When will I grow? How can i grow as much as possible?

Hello, I am a 13 year old male and I am currently about 5' 4", or maybe 5' 5". My dad is 6' 5", and my mom is 5' 6". I play basketball, and everyone else has passed me in height lately, so I am quite concerned. I share noticeable facial features with my dad, and I have followed in my dad's footsteps (trait wise) for most of my life. Last year or so, I was way taller than most people. Then i just stopped growing. My dad was a late bloomer, and did most of his growing in 8th grade. I am almost 100% positive that I have not hit my growth spurt yet, and I am about a tanner stage 2.7, according to the tanner stage calculator. Have I hit my growth spurt? If not, when will I? What can I do to make sure I grow as tall as possible. I have tried to include as many details as possible. Sorry if I forgot something. Thank you for your time.

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