Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Interesting Guy Problem, Advice and Thoughts?

Okay, this is going to be long, but I really need truthful opinions from people who aren't my friends.. Alright so I met this guy in drivers ed during winter time lets call him Matt and me and him became super good friends and now were really close and i definitely consider him a best friend. I talk to him about everything! Anyways the other night we went ice skating together, and i had his phone while he was doing some weird trick and a friend called him, so I figured id just answer it.. so i did. Never knew this phone call would lead to such.. insaness. Well this guy was like hii ill call him Jeff, and im like hi.. and we talked for like 3 mins lol no big deal but then Matt came over and yanked the phone away and i was like whoops ha ha, but still we continued the night as normal, and at dinner matt told me that jeff was supposed to come with us but he got grounded.. so matt told me a little about him. He liked country music, they did cross country together, that the kid was super nice, blah bla bla.. I was like oh you'll have to invite Jeff to our next outing together. After that i drove home, and i was like well since jeff will be coming to our next outing together i might as well introduce myself. I found him on facebook and emailed him telling him next outing, grounded or not, we were dragging him along lol just in a joking way :P and we just started emailing more and found out we had SO MUCH IN COMMON. we both adore country, and we just get each other. That night he asked for my number, and I gave it to him thinking "hey new cool best friend, woo" I was pretty happy. Well me and Jeff started texting everyday, and talking more and more getting closer and closer, then came the pphone calls and one night he just told me he couldn't talk to me anymore. I was like WHAAA. like me and this kid had such a good relationship that i couldn't stand him saying that to me. I asked why and he told me he couldn't tell me much, just that him and Matt were in a fight and that he couldn't talk to me anymore.. and I was like no that's not happening i dont care what kind of fight you and matt are in , i dont want to be in the middle of it. Jeff told me we could keep chitchatting but only if i kept it a secret from matt and i was like alright.. so me and Jeff then webcammed for one night for like four hours, and we just were really flirty like we had been alot.. and it was just cute innocent stuff, getting to know each other (im only sixteen lol, so nothing serious) well when we hung up on webcam that night i came to realize i was developing feeling for this kid. alot.. and so me and him planned on meeting that thursday at the movies and his friend John was coming along with Matt and my two girl friends Alice and Joanne.. two nights before we went to the movies though I got a text from Matt saying he liked me alot and he couldn't control his feelings, and I did NOT feel the same way at all, like i just see him as a friend completely. So I told him that I dont feel the same and that I only see him as a best friend and i hope we can remain that way, and he seemed pretty upset so I sent him a text saying you know what who knows maybe one day in the future.. and I realized i should have never said that.. Jeff told me a few days later that Matt took that as a "i should keep trying then".. So on thurs. when I went to the movies it was so awkward.. I could barely talk to Jeff because I had to act like i didn't know him or else matt would get mad and at the movies i sat in between both of them and i just wanted to snuggle with jeff and matt kept trying to like touch me and i felt uncomfortable and i couldn't flirt with jeff at all, and i wanted him to know that i liked him.. and anyways afterwords we went for ice cream and stuff and were hanging out and Matt was in my footsteps ALL NIGHT. like everywhere i was he was too. EVERYWHERE. i couldn't talk to anyone all night, and i was getting so annoyed with him. Anyways, I took everyone home because I had my license and when i said bye to jeff i gave him a huge hug and was just like well that was an.. interesting night.. and he just shook his head and smiled.. i wanted to like cry, i was like so much for that guy)': anyways i went to McDonald's and got a mcflurry cause i needed to think things over and i decided to text him just apologizing that the night was awkward and that i hope next time wouldn't have to be like that and he texted me back your amazing, dint worry about it <3 and so i decided to tell him.. everything. I told him about how matt liked me but i didn't feel the same way and then i told him " I'm really bad at keeping secrets, and truthfully I have one of those little girl butterfly keep me up all night kind of crushes on you" and he told me he liked me so much too, and all he wanted was to hold me all night and that matt pissed him off all night.. and anyways we talked on

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