Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is this Paranormal activity?

Two nights in a row now, when I try to go to sleep, I hear things that I can't explain. It always happens as I'm starting to doze off. The first night ( two nights ago) I heard clear as day someone step up to my door, and a female voice say "Hey Tony!" (that's my name). Then last night, again right as I started to doze off, there was two rapps on my door, and when I startled awake, I saw a quick flash of a young boy turn toward my door as if to run away, but it vanished as quick as I saw it. Is this my imagination? The footsteps, the voice and the knock on my door where very loud and clear. I'm not scared, but I live in an old house, and I'm curious if anyone has had these experiences.

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