Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I think there may be a ghost/spirit in my house, can you confirm?

My parents separated and I went to live with my mom at her new house 5+ months ago. Ever since I began living there, I've been experiencing what I had thought were just hallucinations. Several times a week I would see a pitch black humanoid figure for split seconds (in the bottom corner of my window, standing in the kitchen, in the hallway, etc.) but it had started to get more serious than that. One night I was in my room and I heard my mom scream from the living room, I ran there and she said that the couch she was sitting on had started violently shaking for a second. A minute later I went back to my room, but not even ten minutes passed before she called me back to the living room to tell me that it started shaking again. I had told her about the things I had been seeing the next day. She barely believed me but she never mentioned it again. I can't exactly recall when it happened, but one afternoon I was doing homework on my bed, I started stretching my arms. When I stretched my arm to the right there was an area of warm air, but as I moved my arm through it, all the air around the spot was room temperature. A couple of times before I would be trying to fall asleep, out of nowhere I would feel a presence either standing next to my bed or in the corner of my room. For a long time just being in that house would get me paranoid and distressed, I think it's even helping me develop a fear of the dark, and I used to LOVE the dark. All through this I was thinking I was only paranoid, it was just me. Although a recent event made me think otherwise. Last week my friend was sleeping over at that house (I had not been there often because there was a family matter that caused me to stay at my dads house). Just by walking in the house she said it felt eerie in there. We were home alone. Until 3 in the morning we just sat at the kitchen table talking and eating. We finally decided to go to bed. Once in bed for maybe ten minutes, I had heard three steady thuds. I thought one came from my moms room, then two from the garage. I asked my friends to listen and we both had started to hear thuds, bumps, and footsteps. All night we had heard this, but we didn't only hear it, we also felt it through the house and walls. Sometimes it was hard to listen because we could hear our heart beats. At some point we had heard very low growling we thought came from the garage. We didn't get a wink of sleep. We didn't move from under our multiple warm blankets, we were sweating from the blankets and the suspense. Finally when it was really bright out (around 7:30) we gathered the courage to get out the bed, and then the bedroom. We were so scared that we wanted out of that house BAD. We left at around 8:30. A few days ago my mom had told me that she's been hearing footsteps in that house even before the sleepover. I haven't gone back to that house since my friend was there. What do you think it is?

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