Friday, July 15, 2011

Dream of school and friends?

I dreamt I was sleeping on the couch and my best friend, tim, was patting my head and then he kissed me, I still remember how it felt. When I opened my eyes I wasn't with him, I was in school in the girls locker room and my friend courtney threw pants at me and told me to put them on. We went down two flights of stairs and met tim in the gym. It was weird cuz' half the gym was light and the other dark. Tim went to the light side and I got lost in the dark side, I got scared and ran to the nearest door. I ran through the halls and tried to find a way out. All the doors were locked. I heard footsteps and turned around and saw tim, he was soaked in water. He came to me and hugged me, he was freezing cold. We sat in the middle of the hall holding eachother as people walked around us. What does this mean?

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