Friday, July 15, 2011

Craving and eating ALOT! Could this be a sign of early pregnancy?

So me and my boyfriend arent the most careful we should be. I try to calculate when im fertile and at that time he doesn't finish inside me but we do not use condoms and on the days I dont think im fertile, he finishes, I know TMI, but its true. Now my last period was May 20th and I ovulated on the 1st or 2nd of June and we had sex on the 1st. now im bout 8 dpo and the tests say negative but I think I'm testing too early. Anyways 2 nights ago i felt nautious when going to bed. Today was very unusal. I had extreme cravings, which I didnt have for my 1st child. I needed a pecan pie and I needed it now! ate a huge bag of reeses mini and I dont even like those but i craved them aaallllll day. and plus I just ate other food all day like hamburgers and tuna steak. Could this be a sign of early pregnancy? and am i testing too early? When should I test again? my period isnt due till the 17th. Thanks

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