Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The truth of the Rugrats theory?

i think this is an accurate representation of where the show was started from, because i dont think that angelicas real life friend had sold her out to Nickelodian, i think she shared with the world what her friends imagination was, and i think she wanted to show that with imagination and determination you can do anything. and honsetly, thats what every episode is about, over coming fear and obstacles and having fun and it always involved imagination. the real life angelica found her way out, sadly she had to use drugs but thats how she used her imagination to make herself less miserable in a world where people MUST have been judging her left and right based soley on her mothers poor choices leading her to being a bipolar skitzofrenic child. i think this is entirely possible and some of it is a little crazy but really, why isnt it possible??

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