Thursday, July 14, 2011

A few questions about computer science...?

Find out what "you" like and that will provide a good living for you, don't just settle for some modified version of your parents career path if you don't like it. You need to find what you love. Talk to a career counselor or advisor at your school or at the college. Research all kinds of different professions and once you narrow it down talk to people in those jobs. you will start to get a feel for where your interest lie. The real secret to finding the right career is just tons of research(but don't rely on that only) and like having people tell you about what they do and visiting them in their job(very insightful) etc. and getting a feel for if you would like a certain thing, in other words, taste testing different careers... you might visit someone and think "glad i found out how boring that job would be"..or "wow, this is me" a way like ice cream, do you know if you like a certain flavor.....only one way to find out.

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