Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can I or where can I sell trees to Nurseries in the Dallas, TX area, that I have grown in my own back yard?

So, I have some Pecan trees and one or two other trees but I am not quite sure what they are. They are any where from 7 to 15 feet tall, and I have about 5 to 8 trees. I was about to cut them down and I just thought why am I cutting down a perfect tree. I mean it took a 1,2,3 or even 4 years for these trees to grow this tall. So, I thought shouldn't I be able to sell these trees to somebody. I wanted to know if I could or if anybody knew of a nursery or a farm in the Dallas, Texas area that I could sell these trees too? I mean we just re did the back yard and bought a Chinese Maple and a couple other tress that are smaller then the ones that I have and I know we paid hundreds of dollars for them. I don't have a job right now so any extra money would really help me out right now. So any help that y'all could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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